We didn`t had the chance to know the town, since we took the boat straight to one of the island in the area. Isla del sol, in English, Island of the sun.
After 1.5 hours ride in a boat we arrived to the island. The ride on the boat was very beautiful, but very slow.
When we stand on the solid ground חשכו עיניי. All I could see is thousands of stairs, leading to the hotels.
At that moment I really didn`t know what to do. We had our big bags with us, and to remained you all, we were up at the altitude of 3,820 , belive me it`s hard to breath here even without carrying my bag up the stairs.
After climbing for 5 minutes, I decided that It`s not for me and that I`m not moving form that place till I`ll get some help. Luckily enough, we had a small kid leading us to one of the hotels, he went to look for me a strong Bolivian man to carry my bag. Finally after uncountable amount of stairs and 10 Bolivians (5 shekels) we got to the top.
If you are wondering what about Izick, well, it was a piece of cake for him.
Our room had the most amazing view. All you had to do is lay on the bad and look forward through the window. AMAZING!!
After getting ready we went to look at the sunset. We took the little boy, that guide us to the hotel, and his friend. When we got to the right point to see the sunset, Izick spend the last minutes of sun to play marbles (גולות) with the kids.
The next day we circled the island by foot. It took us about 6 hours. The view was amazing from every point you looked. At some point we thought that this lake looks like it doesn`t belong to the area. It was really spectacular.
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